Sunday 24 March 2013

DHANWANTAREE at a glance....

REGD. NO.- 17759/24
Dr.Jagyandipan Dev Pani, Secretary
Registered under societies Registration Act 1860
DHANWANTAREE has traversed through 4 meaningful years since its registration under Societies Registration Act1860.The society is set up for the purpose of giving effect the objects as enunciated here upon. The organization has started its mission with objectives of health-educational enhancement, improvement of the quality of life of the depressed, destitute and the marginalized communities and advancement of the backwards and sustainable socio-economic development. In the path progress, the organization has made strides in its activities, and loopholes also came into notice. As a vibrant social partner in progress, DHANWANTAREE tried its best to reach to the common people, share with them the social techniques to overcome their problems and worked with them as a perfect development partner.
A year may not be sufficient enough to judge the performance of an organization. But if considered from the angle of achievements 2010-11 and 2011-12 were the most fruitful years for DHANWANTAREE. During this time, we have continued the ongoing programmes and significantly ventured into some strategic people-oriented programmes in furtherance of our basic objectives
Poverty, inequality and underdevelopment are the direct consequences of the uneven distribution of resources, denial of equal opportunity and non-accessibility to resources by an influential section of the society. This unjust and corrupt social structure put the pressure on the poor to become poorer.
Therefore we believe that unity among the unorganized sharing of resources by all with concern for each other, active involvement of the community to plan, control and manage their own development is the only way t achieve uniform and sustainable human development.
·        Tribals, backward classes and distressed people
·        Youth and adolescents
·        Marginalized communities, poor, destitute and un-employed youth
·        Women and children
1.    The “DHANWANTAREE” will open charitable hospitals named SUDHANSHUBALA CHARITABLE HOSPITAL AND RESEARCH in rural areas where medical facilities is yet to be provided.
2.    Health awareness camps along with hygiene and sanitation programmes will conduct regular interval in tribal villages.
3.    People to be educated by the organization regarding communicable and non-communicable diseases. Trying our best to wipe out the social stigmas regarding health.
4.    The organization will open Old age Homes named “DEVASHRAMA” to ensure our senior citizens socially and mentally.
5.    The organization will open a shelter for the poor girls named “SUDHANSHUBALA” and educate them for their better future.
6.    The organization will educate people regarding medicinal plants and their therapeutic actions in our day-to-day life so as to promote medicinal plantation.
7.    This is the era of computer. Each and every person in this country should be a computer literate. This organization will take MISSON – C to make people computer literate.
8.    Conservation and care of wildlife and preservation of forest resources shall be one of the objects of the society. It shall take positive measures to check reckless environmental and industrial pollution and to maintain ecological balances. Massive plantation programmers shall also be taken up.
9.    The society shall take up steps to get the deprived rural masses exposed to print and electronic media so as to help them keep pace with the contemporary developments.
10.  It shall take up and conduct training, survey, research and developmental initiatives on community services, socio-economic progress and other related topics.
11.  The organization shall raise funds, collect donations, subscriptions, mobilize resources from Government, funding agencies, institutions, corporations and persons and receive grants, aids in kind and currency for the furtherance of any or all of the objectives mentioned here above.

 The area of operation of DHANWANTAREE is all over the Cuttack district with particular enphasis on the health carre,  health awareness, hygiene and sanitation programme  with educational programme like computer literacy to all and short term professional education to educated unemployed rural youths.
Except it, Dhanwantaree is also conducting the awareness camps on HIV/AIDS, Malaria etc in different districts of Odisha like Puri, Khurdha, Nayagarh etc.


·         Interaction with community members
·         Group discussions
·         Village and slum meetings
·         Awareness building
·         Family counseling
·         Interaction with development stake holders
·         Lobby and advocacy
·         Participatory intervention
·         Demonstration
·         First hand knowledge from community.
·         Free Health check-up camp
·         Free plies fissure and fistula examination and management with Kharasuta
·         Free dental camp with extraction
·         Free hydrocele operation camp
·         Malaria aawareness camp
·         AIDS awareness camp
·         Sanitation aand free health check up
·         Emergency first aid treatment
·         Health education and awareness on RCH
·         Family councelling
·         Jala chhatra
·         Computer literacy programme
·         Internet literacy programme
·         Women empowerment programme
·         Campagn for solar energy
·         Environmental education
·         Plantation

In future , the following activities and programmes have been ear marked to be undertaken with government and non-government collaborations-
·         Intensive health care and sanitation programmes with special emphasis on child and mother care and adolescence
·         Women empowerment programmes by strengthening the SHGs
·         Strengthening Ayurveda and Naturopathy system of medicine to achieve Health For All rural development , education and improvement of the under privileged.
·         We also are going to start an old age home for senior citizens. Besides our day care programmes , we are proposing to establish another unit named DEVASHRAM to give shelter to such old persons who are ignored by their family members. Along with the above activities we want to experiment our thought to save energy and setting a rural the village Dompada.


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